Optional Conference: Agile management, not just for managers

Stephen Parry
Stephen Parry is an international leader and strategist on the design and creation of adaptive enterprises. He has a world-class reputation for passionate leadership and organisational transformation by changing the way employees, managers and leaders think about their business and their customers. He is the author of Sense and Respond: The Journey to Customer Purpose (Palgrave), a highly regarded book written as a follow-up to his award-winning organisational transformations. His change work was recognised when he received Best Customer Service Strategy at the National Business Awards. The judges declared his strategy had created organisational transformations which demonstrated an entire cultural change around the needs of customers and could, as a result, demonstrate significant business growth, innovation and success. Stephen believes that organisations must be designed around the needs of customers through the application of employee creativity, innovation and willing contribution. This was recognised when his approach received awards from the European Service Industry for the Best People Development Programme and a personal award for Innovation and Creativity. Stephen has since become a judge at the National Business Awards and the National Customer Experience Awards. He is also a Fellow at the Lean Systems Society.
Waste is Optional: Customer Value defines meaningful work; everything else is optional including the waste
What do we need to do to make waste a thing of the past and prevent it creeping back into the organisation?
Of all the ideas associated with ‘Lean and Agile’, ‘cutting waste’ is perhaps the most widely known, but it is also the most misunderstood, primarily because most organisations don’t actually know what waste is. Waste disposal, waste recycling and waste paper – these terms ring familiar bells for almost everyone. However, as Lean shows us, waste is about far more.
The combination to unlock waste and release customer value is:
a. Employee creativity
b. Innovation
c. Willing contribution
The presentation will prove we can design back in the employees’ willing contribution to establish a real human workplace that is adaptive, innovative, engaging and almost waste free.
Pre-reading before the event: Published on-line article Institute of Leadership and Management: Keeping it Lean by Stephen Parry. https://www.i-l-m.com/Insight/Edge/2014/October/keeping-it-lean