Programme & Presentations 2015
Optional Conference: Agile management, not just for managers
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“All businesses have costs. Waste is optional.” (Stephen Parry)
Optional Conference, Budapest, 24-25th March, 2015 offers you an insight into Agile and Lean management with real-life examples and case studies. Experience the new management trends and techniques, see what works.
Although invented in the IT sector, Agile spreads out to other domains to help companies succeed in today’s white-water business environment.
Keynote speakers

Mary Poppendieck
The Scaling Dilemma

Linda Rising
The Power of an Agile Mindset
Session talks

Jurgen Appelo
Manage yourself!

Árpád Zsolt Bodó, PhD
Finding the right practice for the various levels of planning

Gustav Boström
Securely dispose of your waste – Security in your process

Mina Boström Nakićenović
Agile Architecture – How worse can be better

Francesco Degrassi
Fifty shades of fail – a lean perspective on success & failure

Szabolcs Dobra
Winning a tender with Story Mapping

Jutta Eckstein
Agile Teams: Self-Organizing, Collocated, and Distributed

Bálint Erős
Product Owner Role: Share or Not To Share?

TJ Ewing
Hack-a-ton and Innovation

Dr Adel Hejaaji
Agile manufacturing and smart SMEs companies

Dániel Kólya
Leading Agile Teams – Let Them Do It On Their Own!

Mike Leber
Agile / Adaptive Organization – Redesigned

István Margetin
Lean Startup for the Agile Enterprise

Gábor Mayer
Hack-a-ton and Innovation

Árpád Metzing
Support teams in the Agile World

Jonathan Moss
Tightening the feedback loop

Andrea Provaglio
The Power of Expectations

Simon Roberts
Designing High-Performance into our Organisations

János Szenfner
Test Lead challenges in Agile environment

György Tokovicz
Advanced Facilitation Techniques

Levente Vigh
Support teams in the Agile World